What's new in Simplygon 10.4

We are proud to present our next major release. Simplygon 10.4 comes with improvements to the quad reducer, small parts remover and tessellated attributes. It also adds support for Unreal Engine 5.5, Maya 2025 and Blender 4.2.

What's new in Simplygon 10.3

In Simplygon 10.3 we have focused on improving our integrations. Simplygon's Unreal Engine 5 plugin now comes with major updates for World Partition HLODs. Our Unity plugin has been overhauled to improve support. It also adds support for 3ds Max 2024, Maya 2024 and Blender 4.0.

Keep original materials during aggregation

In this blog we'll showcase how to keep original materials during material merging. This enables you to keep materials that require special shaders separated during optimization.

Aggregation with multiple output materials

In this blog we'll showcase how to use a mapping image with multiple output materials. This enables you to perform material merging on an asset with both opaque and transparent materials.

How to find correct settings for a scripted pipeline

In this post we'll cover how to find the correct settings for a scripted pipeline by exporting a pipeline created using the user interface.

Remapping Materials in Blender after Simplygon Processing

Simplygon is using Blender glTF exporter/importer as an intermediate format when processing objects. The glTF importer creates new materials even if identical materials already exist in the scene, resulting in a duplication of materials when reduction processes brought back into Bleder. To overcome this limitation and ensure material continuity, we can employ a Python script that remaps materials from the processed objects to their original counterparts

Customize your Simplygon pipelines

This blog will cover how to customize your Simplygon pipelines in 3ds Max, Maya, Unity and Blender. Customizing pipelines allows you to share presets for different kinds of assets with your team. Defining pipelines for different asset categories can be seen as a step to fully automating your asset pipeline.

Bake vertex colors into textures

In this blog we'll look at how to bake vertex colors into textures. Use case for this is certain phot scanned assets where color data is saved into vertex colors. We'll look at how to do this with both the remesher and aggregator pipeline. We'll also cover how to create a shading network for vertex colored materials as well as how to remove vertex colors from model post processing.

Bake decals into surfaces

In this spooky blog post we will optimize away spider web decals from a scene. While it might seem unfitting given the release date of this post it is a well-known fact that most of the spider webs being displayed are not real and just for decoration.

How to remesh your house with Simplygon

There are many objects which have different types of materials; both transparent and opaque. Remeshing these with Simplygon requires extra care if one wants to preserve the transparency. In this example are going to optimize a house with glass windows, a quite common asset in many games.

Create a Blender Add-on for your Simplygon pipeline

In this post we will take the script created in previous blog post and turn it into a simple Blender Add-on with a basic user interface. That allows us to easily share it and makes it easy to use for non-programmers.

Optimizing 3D scans with Simplygon

Want to make those scanned assets more lightweight and ready to be used in your game or web application? This post will show how you can use Simplygon's remesher to produce heavily optimized versions of your scan data. It will also dig in on how to create a repeatable pipeline with which you can process large amounts of similar assets.

A simple reduction script in Blender

This blog will give you a simple starting point into scripting with Simplygon's Python API in Blender.

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