Optimizing Unity games with Simplygon 10.3

In this blog we'll detail how our new Simplygon 10.3 release can be used to optimize Unity games.

What's new in Simplygon 10.3

In Simplygon 10.3 we have focused on improving our integrations. Simplygon's Unreal Engine 5 plugin now comes with major updates for World Partition HLODs. Our Unity plugin has been overhauled to improve support. It also adds support for 3ds Max 2024, Maya 2024 and Blender 4.0.

Visibility culling via 3ds Max's user interface

In many games the players movement is restricted to a certain volume, that means some object will only be visible from certain angles. That is where optimization through visibility culling comes in. In this post we'll show how to use it in 3ds Max.

Visibility culling through generated cameras in Max

This (Python) example demonstrates how to use the Visibility Culling feature to remove geometry that is not visible from a specific set of cameras. The cameras are automatically generated by Simplygon based on a user-specified visibility volume / geometry.

Culling geometry with camera volumes in Python script

In cases where you know from which angles an asset will be viewed, you can use that information to optimize the assets accordingly. For example, side scene geometry in the level that's only going to be seen from the playing field. Rather the building assets custom for that case, you could just use what you got and optimize it through cameras scattered in the player area. You can instruct Simplygon to cull anything fully occluded, but the visibility information can also be guide the reducer and the material caster to keep more where the geometry is most visible.

Visibility sphere

Using a visibility sphere can be a great way to save some polygons on assets that are not going to visible from all angles. In this article we will go through how you can use the SetCustomSphereCameraPath function in Simplygon to take away unnecessary polygons.

Geometry culling overview

In the Simplygon SDK you can find a range of options in the area of geometry culling. You can cull geometry volumetrically, use custom cameras, distribute cameras along a spherical surface, use occluders and clipping geometry. All these options can be combined in different manners to achieve the results that you are looking for. In a series of posts we'll go through the different options you have at your disposal. We'll explain how you use them and in what cases the different options comes into play.

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