Optimizing a modular character asset

Characters constructed of modular pieces can suffer from a problem after they are optimized. If the seams connecting the different parts are not matching each other, you can end up with visual artefacts. This blog post will show how you can use the modular seams feature of Simplygon to prevent these issues.

Keep original materials during aggregation

In this blog we'll showcase how to keep original materials during material merging. This enables you to keep materials that require special shaders separated during optimization.

Character optimization with quad reduction

In this introduction blog we'll look at how to optimize a skinned character with the quad reducer.

Low-poly character optimization

In this introduction blog we'll look at how to optimize a low poly skinned character with the Simplygon plugin for 3ds Max.

Aggregation with multiple output materials

In this blog we'll showcase how to use a mapping image with multiple output materials. This enables you to perform material merging on an asset with both opaque and transparent materials.

Introduction to terrain culling

In this blog we'll showcase how to cull away triangles that are below terrain. This is useful for aggregation and remeshing. We'll also showcase some common pitfalls.

Introduction to micro-meshes for mesh compression

In this blog we will cover how to generate meshes using NVIDIAs new micro-mesh technology with Simplygon. We will create a batch processor for kit-bashed 3d scanned content indented to save disc space and optimize render performance.

Tight fitting impostors with minimal overdraw

Generate tight fitting impostor geometries around the opaque areas based on the input opacity map.

Using your own shaders for material baking with Compute Casting

Today we will look at how to create proxies for object with custom shaders. We are going to use compute casters in combination with scene descriptions serialized to xml files to create a batch processor indented to process HLOD meshes. We'll also cover clipping planes.

A look at impostor from single view in Unity HDRP

In this blog post we will take a look at how material casting for Unity HDRP render pipeline allows us to create extremely lightweight impostors. We are also going to cover how to hide LOD pops with cross fading.

Troubleshooting material baking in Unreal Engine

In this blog we'll look at different issues with material baking in Unreal Engine and their solutions. As example we will optimize draw calls by create a stand-in replacement of a group of objects. We are going to look at how to reuse UV-space, separate out troublesome material nodes and how to debug texture baking.

How to find correct settings for a scripted pipeline

In this post we'll cover how to find the correct settings for a scripted pipeline by exporting a pipeline created using the user interface.

A look at flipbook in Unreal Engine

In this blog we'll have a look at the flipbook impostor and how to use it in Unreal Engine. We are going to cover what the up and down sides of it are as well as some tips and tricks how to change parameters and materials on generated LODs in Unreal Engine.

What's new in Simplygon 10.2

As a Midsummer gift to all game developers we are proud to release Simplygon 10.2! In this release we have worked on core improvements to our remesher, support for Unity's Universal Render Pipeline and High Definition Render Pipeline and lastly support for Unreal Engine 5.2.

Demystifying vertex colors in 3ds Max

In this blog post we are going to optimize a game character in 3ds Max. We are going to use two sets of vertex colors; one which the game utilized and one which control the reduction.

A simple reduction script in Blender

This blog will give you a simple starting point into scripting with Simplygon's Python API in Blender.

Culling geometry with camera volumes in Python script

In cases where you know from which angles an asset will be viewed, you can use that information to optimize the assets accordingly. For example, side scene geometry in the level that's only going to be seen from the playing field. Rather the building assets custom for that case, you could just use what you got and optimize it through cameras scattered in the player area. You can instruct Simplygon to cull anything fully occluded, but the visibility information can also be guide the reducer and the material caster to keep more where the geometry is most visible.

Running cascaded pipelines in script

Many scripted Simplygon workflows starts with a pipeline that is exported from one of our integrations. In this post will give you a very straight forward step by step on how to create a scripted optimization with cascaded pipelines.

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